





Title: Aging of coupled qubits

Author: Huining Zhang, Dianzhen Cui, W. Wang, X. X. Yi

Issue&Volume: 2024/07/18

Abstract: The aging transition refers to the shift from an oscillatory state to a globally stopped state due to some forms of deterioration in classical physics. Similar behavior has also been observed in quantum oscillators. Although it has received extensive attention in coupled-oscillator systems, it has not yet been studied in coupled qubits. In this paper, we explore the aging transition in a network of coupled qubits. Our model describes numerous qubits driven by a laser, with both dissipative and coherent qubit-qubit couplings. The ratio of inactive qubits to total qubits and the population in the excited state of the qubits are employed to characterize the aging transition. We find a transition where the population in the excited states suddenly drops when the ratio exceeds a threshold. This behavior is intriguing and contrasts with coupled oscillators, for which no sudden drop is observed. Additionally, we demonstrate how the couplings and driving laser influence the threshold. The underlying physics of the sudden drop is elucidated. The region where the aging transition occurs is determined based on stability-analysis theory.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.110.012221

Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.110.012221
