
美国爱荷华州立大学Neal R. Iverson团队近日在研究温带冰的线性粘性流动方面取得新进展。相关论文发表在2025年1月10日出版的《科学》杂志上。


这种模型的核心是格伦流动定律,其中应变率取决于应力的n = 3到4次方。与这种非线性形成鲜明对比的是,研究人员通过大规模剪切变形实验发现,在冰川床附近和冰流边缘,在液态水含量和应力的一般范围内,温带冰是线性粘性的(n≈1.0)。



Title: Linear-viscous flow of temperate ice

Author: Collin M. Schohn, Neal R. Iverson, Lucas K. Zoet, Jacob R. Fowler, Natasha Morgan-Witts

Issue&Volume: 2025-01-10

Abstract: Accurately modeling the deformation of temperate glacier ice, which is at its pressure-melting temperature and contains liquid water at grain boundaries, is essential for predicting ice sheet discharge to the ocean and associated sea-level rise. Central to such modeling is Glen’s flow law, in which strain rate depends on stress raised to a power of n = 3 to 4. In sharp contrast to this nonlinearity, we found by conducting large-scale, shear-deformation experiments that temperate ice is linear-viscous (n ≈ 1.0) over common ranges of liquid water content and stress expected near glacier beds and in ice-stream margins. This linearity is likely caused by diffusive pressure melting and refreezing at grain boundaries and could help to stabilize modeled responses of ice sheets to shrinkage-induced stress increases.

DOI: adp7708

Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adp7708

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