韩国基础科学研究所Lan Dai和Axel Timmermann合作在研究贝努型小行星碰撞的气候和生态反应中取得新进展。2025年2月7日出版的《科学进展》发表了这项成果。
据估计,小行星贝努在2182 CE与地球相撞的几率为0.037%。这种中型小行星的潜在碰撞可能会向大气中注入大量的尘埃碳,对陆地和海洋生态系统造成未知的后果。
Title: Climatic and ecological responses to Bennu-type asteroid collisions
Author: Lan Dai, Axel Timmermann
Issue&Volume: 2025-02-07
Abstract: There is an estimated chance of 0.037% that asteroid Bennu will collide with Earth in 2182 CE. The potential collision of such medium-sized asteroids can inject massive amounts of dust into the atmosphere, with unknown consequences for terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Here, we use the coupled high-top Community Earth System Model Version 2 with interactive chemistry to investigate how medium-sized asteroid strikes would affect climate, vegetation, and marine productivity. Our simulations, which inject up to 400 million tons of dust into the stratosphere, show marked disruptions in climate, atmospheric chemistry, and global photosynthesis. Global mean temperatures are projected to drop by 4°C, and global precipitation decreases by 15% in our simulations. The largest relative reductions in global terrestrial and marine net primary productivity reach 36 and 25%, respectively. Depending on the iron amount of the asteroid and the subsequent marine dust deposition, large diatom blooms occur in iron-limited regions such as the Southern Ocean and the eastern equatorial Pacific.
DOI: adq5399
Source: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adq5399
来源:科学网 小柯机器人