近日,美国哈佛大学的Philip Kim等人合作并取得一项新进展。他们对扭曲三层石墨烯超导体的超流刚度进行了研究。相关研究成果已于2025年2月5日在国际权威学术期刊《自然》上发表。
Title: Superfluid stiffness of twisted trilayer graphene superconductors
Author: Banerjee, Abhishek, Hao, Zeyu, Kreidel, Mary, Ledwith, Patrick, Phinney, Isabelle, Park, Jeong Min, Zimmerman, Andrew, Wesson, Marie E., Watanabe, Kenji, Taniguchi, Takashi, Westervelt, Robert M., Yacoby, Amir, Jarillo-Herrero, Pablo, Volkov, Pavel A., Vishwanath, Ashvin, Fong, Kin Chung, Kim, Philip
Issue&Volume: 2025-02-05
Abstract: The robustness of the macroscopic quantum nature of a superconductor can be characterized by the superfluid stiffness, ρs, a quantity that describes the energy required to vary the phase of the macroscopic quantum wavefunction. In unconventional superconductors, such as cuprates, the low-temperature behaviour of ρs markedly differs from that of conventional superconductors owing to quasiparticle excitations from gapless points (nodes) in momentum space. Intensive research on the recently discovered magic-angle twisted graphene family has revealed, in addition to superconducting states, strongly correlated electronic states associated with spontaneously broken symmetries, inviting the study of ρs to uncover the potentially unconventional nature of its superconductivity. Here we report the measurement of ρs in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (TTG), revealing unconventional nodal-gap superconductivity. Utilizing radio-frequency reflectometry techniques to measure the kinetic inductive response of superconducting TTG coupled to a microwave resonator, we find a linear temperature dependence of ρs at low temperatures and nonlinear Meissner effects in the current-bias dependence, both indicating nodal structures in the superconducting order parameter. Furthermore, the doping dependence shows a linear correlation between the zero-temperature ρs and the superconducting transition temperature Tc, reminiscent of Uemura’s relation in cuprates, suggesting phase-coherence-limited superconductivity. Our results provide strong evidence for nodal superconductivity in TTG and put strong constraints on the mechanisms of these graphene-based superconductors.
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08444-3
Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-08444-3
来源:科学网 小柯机器人