





Title: Controlling temporal triple-slit interference by two-color circularly polarized laser fields

Author: Xiaoxiao Long, Peizeng Li, Yankun Dou, Jing Li, Yunquan Liu

Issue&Volume: 2025/02/06

Abstract: We investigate the photoelectron momentum distributions (PMDs) resulting from ionization of Ar atoms by bicircular two-color (800- and 1600-nm) laser fields in the laser propagation plane. Our results demonstrate that the PMDs along the laser propagation direction reveal interference structures at a certain amplitude ratio of counter-rotating two-color laser fields. We attribute the observed photoelectron interference patterns along the laser propagation direction to temporal triple-slit interference. Furthermore, we show that the temporal triple-slit interference can be controlled by tuning the amplitude ratio. These findings have significant implications for high-resolution imaging of atomic and molecular structures, as well as quantum control using temporal triple-slit interference.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.111.023104

Source: https://journals.aps.org/pra/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevA.111.023104

来源:科学网  小柯机器人